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- Dịch vụ T-VAN TaxOnline

What is T-VAN TaxOnline?

T-VAN TaxOnline is an electronic tax service recognized by the General Department of Taxation since 2011 to assist businesses/organizations and individuals in fulfilling their obligations to declare and pay taxes electronically. With the goal of making tax declaration easier for businesses, T-VAN TaxOnline continuously improves to serve taxpayers better and more diverse

Support to prepare tax returns on many platforms: TaxOnline application on Windows, HTKK application of the General Department of Taxation, put data into TaxOnline, MS Excel or Google Sheets template file running on mobile platforms with SafetySigning to prepare tax returns. declaration.
Support for both electronic transaction methods: direct transaction through the Tax Portal of the General Department of Taxation or transaction via T-VAN TaxOnline Portal.

View tax history or transactions on multiple platforms: TaxOnline app, KySo on Windows, or SafetySigning mobile app.
Why use TaxOnline?

Là một giải pháp thuế điện tử linh hoạt cho tất cả doanh nghiệp
Không quan trọng là đăng ký giao dịch qua T-VAN hay Thuế điện tử của Tổng cục thuế, bạn đều có thể sử dụng giải pháp kê khai và quản lý hồ sơ thuế điện tử của bạn trên nền tảng của T-VAN TaxOnline.

Tích hợp với các nghiệp vụ khác của doanh nghiệp
Thuế là một phần không thể tách rời của các ứng dụng quản lý bán hàng, hóa đơn điện tử và kế toán. Chúng tôi đã có giải pháp tổng thể để giúp việc tích hợp dễ dàng hơn.

Quản lý chứng từ thuế điện tử lâu dài phục vụ việc quyết toán thuế
Chứng từ thuế cần được lưu trữ và quản lý một cách khoa học để phục vụ cho việc kiểm tra, thanh tra thuế sau này của cơ quan thuế. Thời gian lưu trữ là trên 10 năm, doanh nghiệp cần có giải pháp lưu trữ chủ động các tờ khai, lịch sử giao dịch… để đáp ứng các yêu cầu đối chiếu số liệu với cơ quan thuế khi có yêu cầu.
Specifications for Dịch vụ T-VAN TaxOnline
Loại dịch vụ TaxOnline | T-VAN TaxOnline Basic or T-VAN TaxOnline Cloud or T-VAN TaxOnline Premium |
Gói dịch vụ TaxOnline | C1 or C2 or C3 or CT3 or S1 or S2 or S3 or C-C1 or C-C2 or C-C3 or C-S1 or C-S2 or C-S3 or P-C1 or P-C2 or P-C3 or P-S1 or P-S2 or P-S3 |
With a TS24 ID account easily manage tax records for many businesses
For corporations, corporations, tax service companies, a single user needs to manage multiple tax records to declare , filing declarations is a practical need. We have served this solution for tax workers more conveniently and quickly.

Decentralize multiple internal users to make tax declarations
Management requirements for each type of tax such as PIT managed by the human resources department, other taxes managed by the accounting department. We have a solution from decentralizing users to looking up transaction history on the system to ensure separate.
Tax declaration signer for "Boss" to approve by digital signature
The director or chief accountant of the business is the user of the digital signature, but the tax preparer is a junior employee. To solve this problem, we have a solution to sign the “Boss” via Google Drive or Cloud24 - TS24 support for easy communication for everyone.

Manage all data on Google Drive cloud platform
The storage of declaration data, submitted declarations... is a must to ensure security, convenient access and integration of systems other management systems. We have integrated Google Drive cloud platform and will support other services like One Drive, iCloud, Dropbox…
Support to use smart platform to sign, approve, submit tax file on SafetySigning
As a service in TS24's common suite of solutions, tax filing and electronic transaction support is integrated into the SafetySigning smart platform. See more about SafetySigning service tại đây.

Service fee schedule
T-VAN TaxOnline
Package S1 - 12 months: 1.799.000 VND
Package S2 - 24 months: 2.759.000 VND
Package S3 - 36 months: 3.719.000 VND
- Support all forms of tax declaration dossiers for businesses
. Added value
. Personal income
. Corporate income
. Foreign Contractor
. Other Taxes (Resources, Fees,
. Tax refund
- TaxData | Manage the tax accounting number of the business
- Create & manage electronic PIT withholding vouchers
- Quick calculation of personal income tax
- Support setting up multiple shared sub-accounts
- Use CKS of another provider
Package C1 - 12 months: 1.119.000 VND
Package C2 - 24 months: 2.159.000 VND
Package C3 - 36 months: 3.119.000 VND
- Support all forms of tax declaration dossiers for businesses
. Added value
. Personal income
. Corporate income
. Foreign Contractor
. Other Taxes (Resources, Fees,
. Tax refund
- TaxData | Manage the tax accounting number of the business
- Create & manage electronic PIT withholding vouchers
- Quick calculation of personal income tax
- Support setting up multiple shared sub-accounts
- Use CKS provided by TS24