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- Dịch vụ C-VAN iHaiQuan

What is iHaiQuan C-VAN?
C-VAN iHaiQuan is an electronic customs service recognized by the General Department of Customs since 2012 to support enterprises/organizations in performing customs clearance services and declaring electronic port fees. With the goal of making customs clearance procedures easier for businesses, C-VAN iHaiQuan continuously improves to better serve businesses.

With only 1 application, iHaiQuan can prepare customs documents for 3 types: business, production - export, and processing.
Meet V5 and VNACSS standards, automatically update when there is a new policy of the State.
Why choose iHaiQuan?
The functions of customs clearance applications must meet the standards technical standards of the General Department of Customs, so the applications on the market must meet. Therefore, iHaiQuan focuses on researching convenience for users to continuously improve according to customer expectations.

How to manage user accounts centrally in the cloud should regardless of the computer installed iHaiQuan to use. You can install it on multiple computers for your convenience.

Với việc kế thừa các nền tảng có sẵn khác, chúng tôi cung cấp dịch vụ với giá cả cạnh tranh nhằm giảm chi phí tối đa cho doanh nghiệp thực hiện thủ tục thông quan.

Specifications for Dịch vụ C-VAN iHaiQuan
Dịch vụ C-VAN iHaiQuan (12 Tháng) | Gói C or Gói S or Gói giáo dục miễn phí |
With a TS24 ID account easily manage customs clearance records for many businesses
For corporations, corporations, customs clearance service companies, it is necessary for one user to manage multiple customs clearance records to declare is a practical need. We have served this solution for customs clearance workers more conveniently and quickly.

Decentralize multiple internal users for customs clearance
Management requirements for each business such as goods classification, import or export operations that have many different management departments. We have a solution from decentralizing users to looking up transaction history on the system to ensure separate.
Clearance declaration signer for "Boss" approval with digital signature
The director or head of the department of the enterprise is the user of the digital signature, but the person who prepares the customs clearance dossier is a junior employee. To solve this problem, we have come up with a signing solution for “Boss” so that everyone can communicate easily.

Manage all data centrally on a private server or on Google Drive
The storage of declaration data, submitted declarations... is a must to ensure security, convenient access and integration of systems other management systems. We already have a centralized data storage solution on our own server or Google Drive cloud integration and will soon support other services like One Drive, iCloud, Dropbox…
Service fee schedule
C-VAN iHaiQuan
1.799.000 VND/year
- Support procedures for electronic documents for businesses according to each type of activity
. Business
. Machining
. Manufacture
- Manage customs and logistics lists
- Manage declared records
- Support setting up multiple sub-accounts for common use
- Using another provider's digital signature
1.199.000 VND/year
- Support for electronic customs clearance procedures for businesses according to each type of activity
. Business
. Machining
. Manufacture
- Manage the standard list of customs and logistics
- Manage declared records
- Support setting up multiple shared sub-accounts
- Use digital signature provided by TS24