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10 chức năng chính quản lý nông nghiệp trên nền tảng 2ez-Agro

01.Control panel: An Agriculture Control Panel with all static information, overall seasonal information, crop failure reports, and seasonal status.

02. Agricultural Land/Farm: Managing different types of farms, detailed information about farmers, agricultural machinery, livestock, various types of crop seasons, and Kanban-style activity status view of farms with related detailed lists.

03.Crop Seasons: Stages such as the beginning, ongoing, and end of crop seasons, duration of the seasons, different types of crops, management of crop yield reserves, crop season failures and estimated damage, agricultural budget and expenses, seasonal labor records, and management of fertilizers, pesticides, and seeds for crops during the seasons..

04. Crops: Managing agricultural crops, different crop diseases, organic fertilizers, crop fertilizers, pesticides/herbicides, and crop seeds.

05.Crop Failures: Types of crop failures, crop season failures, and estimated damage from crop failures.

06.Resources: Managing agricultural institutions, fleets, equipment, staff, farm animals, and farm workers.

07. Production: Managing agricultural warehouses, crop production items, crop production stages, draft warehouses, and updating inventory in warehouses and agricultural crop production items in stock.

08. Financial History: Managing seasonal budgets and agricultural finances such as income, expenses, profit, and loss

09. Analysis Reports: Managing seasonal budget compared to actual expenditure Excel reports, seasonal budget Excel reports, land conditions for crops, weather forecasts for crops, water analysis for crops, and agricultural seasonal Excel reports.

10. Configuration: Managing financial years, measurement units, different types of farms, equipment tags, agricultural land indices, water indices, and daily weather records.

SafetySiging - Creating electronic invoices on the mobile point of sale (POS) device.